
New Film Series Will Reenact Hillary Email Depositions - Starting With Cheryl Mills

Filmmaker Phelim McAleer, one of the producers behind FrackNation and Gosnell Movie (a film about abortionist Kermit Gosnell), is about to release a film series being billed as "The Films Hillary and Her Cronies Don't Want You to See."

In a new crowdfunded effort on IndieGoGo, McAleer is directing a series of short films on the depositions Hillary Clinton's former State Department staff gave to Judicial Watch after the group sent FOIA requests to the agency. Their testimonies, aimed at disclosing information about Clinton's use of a private server, had been barred from being made public.

That's when McAleer got creative. Using the deposition transcripts, McAleer's cast will reenact her staff members' testimonies. The first video, released on Thursday, features the deposition of Clinton's former chief of staff Cheryl Mills. The film, which is about a half hour in length, proves that Mills relied on several "Clintonian evasions" to avoid incriminating her old boss.

Cheryl Mills' evidence is amazing, full of classic Clintonian evasions. She used the phrase "I don't remember" or "I don't recall" 189 times. This deserves to be brought to a wider audience--not censored and hidden away. And we now have it on film.

Some might say McAleer is doing Americans a service with this new series. It is "unacceptable," he writes, that these taped testimonies are being shielded from the public, especially as the November general election nears.

Five videos in total are set to be released in the coming days, with Clinton aide Huma Abedin's deposition airing at the end of June.

You can donate to McAleer's effort here.