
UNC Changes Mind, Will Not Enforce HB2

The University of North Carolina has had a change of heart about the state's HB2 law, which requires transgenders to use the bathroom that corresponds to the sex on their birth certificate. While the school initially accepted the rule, school administrators and attorneys are now arguing that their anti-discrimination policy includes the needs of transgenders.

University system President Margaret Spellings wrote in an affidavit that, pending the outcome of the North Carolina case, "I have no intent to exercise my authority to promulgate any guidelines or regulations that require transgender students to use the restrooms consistent with their biological sex."

The university system's lawyers went further, noting in a filing that the state law contains no enforcement mechanism and the university system also hasn't "changed any of its policies or practices regarding transgender students or employees."

The liberal group ThinkProgress argues that UNC only initially complied with the law out of "pleaded ignorance." 

They're likely not the only ones applauding the school's pivot. The Tar Heel State has received a lot of backlash from progressives for a bathroom bill they say is discriminatory. Bands have cancelled their scheduled concerts and businesses like PayPal have refused to expand its operations in the state.

The Obama administration then waded into the matter, turning a state controversy into a national one by sending letters to public schools across the country demanding they recognize transgender bathroom rights.

Some, however, have been able to find humor in the situation. Check out how NASCAR made fun of the controversy at this weekend's Coca Cola 600. 

Nevertheless, it's no laughing matter when it comes to how allowing those who identify as transgender to enter any bathroom or locker room they choose will affect students' safety. Will these institutions come to regret their decisions to give in to political correctness?