
BREAKING: Sanders Wins Indiana

After an exciting comeback, Bernie Sanders has won the Indiana primary, CNN is projecting. He had 53 percent of the vote, with 63 precincts reported.

The former secretary of state has not been able to hold off Bernie Sanders and his passionate supporters for months now. 

Although he has won several contests, his superdelegate tally pales in comparison to Clinton's. Before Tuesday’s vote, Sanders ranted against the “rigged” Democratic primary process for being biased toward Clinton. 

When asked about the candidates' behavior, 27 percent of voters said Clinton had treated Sanders unfairly.

The former secretary of state may face an even more disaffected electorate in coal country, where voters have not forgotten about her pledge to put coal companies out of business. 

Exit polls suggest her struggles won't end in the general election. Only a little more than half of Indiana voters viewed her as trustworthy.