
Watch: The Birth of Cruz/Fiorina 2016

Well, the rumors are true. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as picked former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Guy wrote about the rumors about Cruz’s big announcement this afternoon, noting that it’s a Hail Mary pass:

Here's a guy who's down by millions of votes, and hundreds of delegates, and who's obviously worried that the window to stop his surging rival is closing. So with literally no path to the nomination before a potential second ballot at July's convention, he's going to...announce his Vice Presidential running mate?

We'll see how the optics play out, but I suspect it'll look and feel like something out of Ted Cruz's land of make believe, in which voters aren't voting the way they are, and the Manhattan media are the only true villains. Fiorina is an accomplished woman and a sound political performer who possesses an elite intellect and temperament. To her credit, she's doing everything she can to help stop a man she and many conservatives view as an unelectable, uninformed, untethered embarrassment to the party. But this maneuver has the stench of a 'final throes' spasm from a campaign that fears it is doomed.

You can watch the entire event here: