
Ryan: 'Get My Name Out' of the Convention

Radio host Hugh Hewitt took over the Salem Radio Web Network Monday morning, as Guy previewed this weekend. For his first guest, Hewitt invited House Speaker Paul Ryan to weigh in on his trip to Israel and those Republican convention rumors that suggest his name could appear on the ballot.

Ryan was hesitant to comment on the convention rules, yet did say he believes the eventual GOP nominee should be someone who is actually running for the position.

“You know, I don’t know, that’s not my decision," he said. "That is going to be up to the delegates. I’m going to be an honest broker, and make sure that the convention follows the rules as the delegates make the rules…But I do believe people put my name in this thing, and I say get my name out of that. This is, if you want to be president, you should go run for president. And that’s just the way I see it.”

To really hammer the point home, Ryan insisted he’s not the “fresh face” Karl Rove was talking about.

This wouldn’t be the first time Ryan was pushed into running for a job he didn’t want. Last fall, Congress basically begged him to run for speaker to replace John Boehner. His popularity stems from his positive conservative vision that many Republicans believe could unify the party.

Ryan also remarked on his visit to Israel, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the potential British exit from the European Union and how that could affect the Middle Eastern country. The speaker shook his head over the increased anti-semitism in Europe, in particular slamming the continent’s “shenanigan” in pushing the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement to label Jewish goods and services.

Stay tuned for more exclusive interviews on The Hugh Hewitt Show every weekday morning from 6-9 a.m. ET.