
Idaho Constitutional Carry Bill Awaits Governor's Signature

West Virginia recently joined the club, and now Idaho awaits its governor’s signature to become the ninth constitutional carry state in the country. Simply put, a constitutional carry law is what should be adopted in all 50 states; it doesn’t require a permit for law-abiding citizens to carry their firearms in public. If you think that’s a problem, or could lead to more bloodshed, you should direct your attention to Vermont. The state that is represented by Sen. Bernie Sanders is part of this small chorus of constitutional states, and at least 70 percent of Vermont residents have a gun in the home. I don’t see wild west-style conditions in the Green Mountain State that often espoused by anti-gun liberals when laws are proposed that loosen gun restrictions. But back to Idaho (via Boise Weekly):

Members of the Idaho House State Affairs Committee voted March 17 to send SB 1389, a bill that would allow Idaho citizens to carry concealed weapons without a permit within city limits, to the full House.

Quoting the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, Rep. Pete Nielsen (R-Mountain Home) hailed the measure as a step toward gun rights as articulated by the nation's founders.

"This bill gets us a lot closer to not being 'infringed,'" he said.

Proponents of the bill said it would sync city and county rules concerning the concealed carry of guns. Meanwhile, its critics have said it undermines law enforcement and ignores cities' safety concerns.

The measure would lift permit requirements for gun owners ages 21 and over; allow gun owners ages 18-21 the right to concealed carry without a permit outside city limits; and grant the right to concealed-carry within city limits with a permit at the discretion of the local county sheriff.

West Virginia recently overrode Governor Earl Ray Tomblin’s veto that made them the eighth state to adopt a constitutional carry law. For bills that are not related to budgetary matters, just a simple majority is needed to override a West Virginia governor’s veto. The state legislature is Republican-controlled. The new law goes into effect May 26.

As for Idaho, we shall see if the governor signs off on the legislation. Regardless, it’s another win for Second Amendment rights.