The Associated Press released a national survey late last week, the results of which are worth examining. As Hillary Clinton runs for Barack Obama's third term, how are voters feeling about the Obama presidency? As you look at these crooked numbers, keep in mind that Mrs. Clinton is far more personally disliked and distrusted than Obama ever has been:
AP poll: Obama *disapproval* on...
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) February 26, 2016
economy 53%
foreign affairs 58%
healthcare 58%
ISIS 60%
Immigration 61%
overall 55%
He's (-11) overall, (-9) on the economy, (-18) on world affairs and healthcare, (-22) on ISIS, and (-25) on immigration. Hillary Clinton supports virtually all of his initiatives, crafted his failed foreign policy, promises to expand his illegal executive amnesty, and wants to preserve and spend more money on Obamacare. Speaking of which, the president's signature domestic "accomplishment" remains deeply unpopular among the American people. Barely more than a quarter of voters support the failing law, which is upside down by 16 points in this poll. Over at Hot Air, John Sexton highlights a separate nationwide survey that contains a number of ugly data points for Obamacare supporters. First, only four percent of respondents say the new law has decreased their out-of-pocket expenses and premiums. Four. Percent. Democrats named their legislation the "Affordable" Care Act. More than one-third report that their co-pays and deductibles have increased, while 45 percent say the same of their rates:
Beyond that, those who say they've personally benefitted from the law are outnumbered by consumers who say they've been personally harmed by an eleven-point margin. This unpopular law is hurting more Americans than it's assisting, while shattering the central promises upon which it was dishonestly sold to the public. "It's working!" Hillary insists. The Washington Post published a damning story last week detailing the comprehensive failure of big government vis-a-vis the Obamacare exchange. In addition to its unaffordability and the VA scandal's cautionary tale, this degree of sheer incompetence should concern even those who may be positively disposed toward the idea of an increased government role in the healthcare system:
During the two years before the disastrous opening of, federal officials in charge of creating the online insurance marketplace received 18 written warnings that the mammoth project was mismanaged and off course but never considered postponing its launch, according to government investigators. The warnings included a series of 11 scathing reviews from an outside consultant — among them a top-10 list of risks drawn up in the spring of 2013 that cited inadequate planning for the website’s capacity and deviations from usual IT standards. A few months before, then-Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had hired another consultant to review the project and recommend ways to improve its management, but its advice was never shared with the technical staff working on the website...Many of the basic contours laid out in the 84-page report are, by now, familiar: Federal health officials failed to recognize the enormity of the undertaking, were disorganized and fragmented, were hampered by late and shifting ACA policies, had too little money, used poor contracting practices, and ignored problems until it was too late. But the inquiry unearthed vivid details that have not been public. And it concludes that the central reason for the problems rested not with the shoddy work of vital IT contractors but with mismanagement by federal health officials carrying out this part of the law.
In addition to being a liberty-depriving ideological project, big government statism simply doesn't work. The administration premised on the idea that government can do big things to help people totally bungled and fumbled its biggest opportunity to vindicate their worldview. I'll leave you with yet more explicit lawlessness:
OUT OF BOUNDS: Obamacare Agency Stiffs Treasury, Illegally Funnels Billions to Insurers to Prop Up Health Law
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) February 22, 2016