
Sweden To Deport 80,000 Refugees

Sweden has seen a massive influx of Syrian refugees, but they’re not taking all of them. Around 45 percent of refugees seeking asylum have had their applications rejected, which means that the country will deport anywhere from 60-80,000 people over the next few years (via CBS News):

Interior Minister Anders Ygeman says Sweden could deport between 60,000 and 80,000 asylum-seekers in coming years.

Ygeman told newspaper Dagens Industri that since about 45 percent of asylum applications are currently rejected, the country must get ready to send back tens of thousands of the 163,000 who sought shelter in Sweden last year.

"I think that it could be about 60,000 people, but it could also be up to 80,000," Ygeman was quoted as saying.

His spokesman, Victor Harju, confirmed the quotes Thursday, adding that the minister was simply applying the current approval rate to the record number of asylum-seekers that arrived in 2015. Harju adds: "That rate could of course change."

Germany is another top destination for Syrian refugees, a topic that has become rather heated ever since hordes of Muslim men, many fleeing Syria, sexually assaulted over 500 German women in Cologne. These horrific attacks occurred during the New Years celebrations. Now, as the Rhineland Carnival festivities approach, organizers are reminding refugees that rape and public urination are not acceptable social behaviors.