
President Obama Appears in ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’ With Jerry Seinfeld

About a week ago, it was announced that President Obama would appear alongside comedian Jerry Seinfeld in his web series "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee." Today, the episode was released, and depicts the president and Seinfeld driving around in a corvette on the White House grounds, and eventually discussing topics as diverse as nachos (Obama's a fan), which president Obama would like to hang out with (Teddy Roosevelt), and the sanity of world leaders ("A pretty sizable percentage" are out of their minds).

While the president is not a comedian, Seinfeld explained that he believed that he had "gotten off just enough funny lines" to qualify for the show.

Seinfeld and Obama filmed their scenes together the day after the president addressed the nation about the terrorist attack in San Bernardino.

While the episode was, from a completely neutral perspective, kind of charming and showed a side of Obama that the nation doesn't see, I question the appropriateness of the timing. This seemed more appropriate for a campaign type situation, not the leader of the free world. This would have been fine in 2008 or even leading up to the 2012 election, (and the president even joked about how he should probably mention Obamacare in this video) but now it seems a bit...strange.