
Tears of Joy in New Orleans: Confederate Statues are Coming Down

The people of New Orleans are relieved to find that the statues of General Robert E. Lee, G.T. Beauregard, and Jefferson Davis will be removed from public placement throughout the city.

Through a 6-1 vote, the local city council approved the measure to take down the statues with strong support from Mayor Mitch Landrieu who said that the motion would “chart the course for a more inclusive future.”

Council Member Stacy Head voted against the measure stating that it would not solve the city’s real problems of socioeconomic strife.

This will be the most prominent removal of Confederate history by an American city since the events that took place in South Carolina and the growing trend to take down confederate flags throughout the south.

Obscured by presidential debates and a Congress in disarray, recollection of the men who stood with the Confederacy in the mid-1800s is slowly starting to disappear. Six people voted to remove statues of prominent figures in history and little to nothing is being said about it in the main-stream media.

This is what the fundamental transformation of the United States of America looks like.