
Rubio Unimpressed With POTUS After San Bernardino: ‘I Wish He Hadn’t Spoken At All’

At tonight’s Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas, which was centered on national security, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to explain why he believes Donald Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims from the country temporarily is wrong. The senator instead pivoted his criticism to President Obama.

In the days after the terror attack in San Bernardino, California that left 14 people dead, Obama gave a rare Oval Office address. While Americans expected him to offer new information about our counter terror strategy to destroy or perhaps new proposals to keep our homeland safe, Obama offered little comfort to Americans who are growing more and more concerned about their safety.

“I wish he hadn’t spoken at all,” Rubio said. “He made things worse.”

The president did little more than regurgitate his usual talking points about staying the course – the course that hasn’t been effective. ISIS is expanding and it is waging jihad not only in the Middle East, but in popular, previously tourist-friendly cities like Paris and right here in the United States.

“What we are doing now is not working,” Rubio said.

If only our commander-in-chief was watching and listening.