
Oops: Mayors Reject Clinton Team’s Claim They Endorsed Her

On Tuesday, the Clinton campaign proudly released a list of 90 African-American mayors who had endorsed the former secretary of state for president. The only problem is, not all of them had.

It wasn’t until Wednesday, when Williams, the mayor of Wilmington, Delaware, found out his friend Biden was out of the running, that he announced his support for Clinton.

That wasn’t the end of the Team Clinton blunder. Mayor Ivy R. Taylor of San Antonio, who had been included on “Hillary’s Texas Leadership Council,” also corrected the campaign, saying she had not, nor had any plans to, publicly support any candidate next year. Clinton’s staff included her on the list after a “brief meeting.” Yet, she also met with GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina.

“The mayor appreciates the service of Secretary Clinton, Mrs. Fiorina and all the candidates for president,” said Mrs. Taylor’s spokeswoman, Leslie Garza. However, because the mayor’s position is nonpartisan, Ms. Garza added, “Mayor Taylor will not be making an endorsement or supporting any candidate.”

The same goes for Tommy Calvert, a commissioner in Bexar County. He too had been included on the list, yet denied ever agreeing to back Clinton.

Note to Clinton staff: A friendly smile or conversation does not equal an endorsement.