
Jorge Ramos to DNC Chair: "Does the Democratic Party Lack Diversity?"

Fusion's Jorge Ramos, like much of America, couldn't help noticing the lack of diversity on the debate stage Tuesday night at the first 2016 Democratic debate. He challenged DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to explain the homogenous appearance of the event.

"Does the Democratic Party lack diversity?" he asked. "I didn't see a Latino, or an African-American, or an Asian on that stage." 

DWS did her best to mask the obvious, pivoting instead to Democrats' past achievements with minority candidates.

"Well, we have Latinos and African-Americans," Wasserman Schultz boasted. "Our president of the United States, who is a Democrat, is African-American. So certainly we have an absolute demonstrative commitment to diversity, because our party nominated the first African-American and then Americans elected him not once, but twice."

Ramos wasn't asking about 2008 or 2012, however. The lack of fresh faces in the Democrat party today is all too clear, especially when compared to the diverse crop of Republican candidates. But, like a true pro, Schultz made it seem like the latter were the party of the past.

"The Republicans are essentially the party of a monolithic view that is narrow-minded that says, 'Let’s take this country backwards."

Schultz might want to do some serious introspection, considering how some viewers billed her party's debate.