
Wheel In The Cots: Clinton Agrees To Testify On Benghazi, Will ‘Stay As Long As Necessary’

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will appear before Congress to answer questions relating to the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks in Libya that left Ambassador Chris Steven dead. Yet, this will be a one and done deal. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, requested that the former first lady appear twice before the committee to answer questions about Libya and her private email server. “Respectfully, there is no basis, logic, or precedent for such an unusual request,” wrote David Kendall, Clinton’s lawyer. He did say that Clinton “will stay as long as necessary to answer the Committee’s questions, but will not prolong the Committee’s efforts further by appearing on two separate occasions when one will suffice.”

On April 30, the Committee gained access to 4,000 pages of document from the State Department Benghazi Accountability Review Board. The Benghazi Committee continues to build the most comprehensive and complete record on what happened before, during and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks,” said Gowdy in a statement. “Contrary to those who said all had been asked and answered, the Benghazi Committee has shown there is more still for Congress to consider.”

Copy of the letter via The Hill:

Letter From Kendall to Gowdy

Those records took two years to be released to Congress via subpoena.

Fox News Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram noted that the Clinton testimony could occur at an offsite location and a closed-door session.  Rep. Gowdy has said would consider Mrs. Clinton's request, and that the sate for the appearance within the next couple of months.

This post has been updated.