
"Mother of the Year": You Know, I Was Trying To Save My Son's Life

Rarely do you see such acts of discipline go so heralded throughout the media. But these are strange times we’re living in, my friends. And perhaps this rebellious young man got exactly what he deserved.

Nevertheless, Toya Graham became somewhat of a folk hero overnight in the city of Baltimore after she, as one CBS host phrased it, “opened up a can of whoop ass” on her delinquent and rioting son.

He and his friends were let out of school early and for reasons that escape her, felt compelled to participate in the burning of Baltimore. She watched them throw rocks and other objects at police. Ms. Graham, however, was having none of it and confronted him about it. Her actions brought her to the set of CBS This Morning, where she explained why she did what she did: Namely, to protect her son from getting hurt or killed:

No doubt a few slaps in the face is an easier burden to bear than sustaining a serious injury or getting arrested. So perhaps Michael should be grateful, amiright?