
Video: Five Obama Jokes From The WHCD

Last night was the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner (or if you prefer, “nerd prom"). Which is, as the president said in his remarks, “the night Washington celebrates itself.”

As expected, the president spoke to Washington's rich and famous for some 22 minutes, chiding and criticizing himself as well as politicians (and celebrities) from both political parties. Truth be told, his gags were remarkably bipartisan. Not even Hillary Clinton escaped the night unscathed.

The following, therefore, are five jokes I found particularly funny—and perhaps you will too:

1). “Being president is never easy. I still have to fix a broken education system, issue veto threats, negotiate with Iran, all while finding time to pray five times a day.”

2). “I’m so old John Boehner has already invited Netanyahu to speak at my funeral.”

3). “Let’s face it, there is one issue on every reporter’s mind, and that’s 2016. Already we’ve seen some missteps. Turns out Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic back in 2009. Look, I understand. It’s an innocent mistake. Reminds me of the time I identified myself as American back in 1961.”

4). “Hillary kicked things off by going completely unrecognized at a Chipotle. Not to be outdone, Martin O’Malley kicked things off by going completely unrecognized at a Martin O’Malley campaign event.”

5). “And Bernie Sanders might run. I like Bernie. Bernie’s an interesting guy. Apparently some folks want to see a pot-smoking socialist in the White House. We could get a third Obama term after all!”

That last one, of course, drew thunderous applause. Watch the full clip below: