
Caught in a Lie

During a press conference on Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took to the podium to answer questions about her use of a private email account (using a private server from her family home) to conduct official State business. At the conclusion of the press conference, however, many reporters, pundits, and citizens alike walked away having even more questions for the presumptive Democratic presidential frontrunner than they did before it began.

It also seems one of the Clintons has been caught in a lie.

Regarding questions about the use of her private server, HRC said it “contains personal communications from my husband and me, and I believe I have met all of my responsibilities.”

Just before the press conference, however, the Wall Street Journal reported that former President Bill Clinton does not use email.

“If Hillary Clinton’s emails are eventually cracked open, don’t expect to see any juicy correspondence with her husband—or any correspondence at all. Bill Clinton doesn’t use email,” the article began.

"The former president, who does regularly use Twitter, has sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life, both as president,” Matt McKenna, the former president’s spokesman, told WSJ. "After leaving office, Mr. Clinton established his own domain that staff use — But Mr. Clinton still doesn't use email himself, Mr. McKenna said."

She also said the server in her home was initially set up for the former president. But in light of the fact that he has only sent two emails, ever—one to astronaut John Glenn and the other to U.S. troops—this also cannot be true.