
Extreme Pro-Abortion Organization to Honor Hillary Clinton

As if we needed any more evidence that potential 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is not a moderate, it was announced today that EMILY’s List, an extreme pro-abortion organization, will be honoring her with one of their most cherished awards:

EMILY's List, which works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, said Tuesday that Clinton would appear at its 30th anniversary awards gala in Washington on March 3. The former secretary of state will receive the group's We Are EMILY Award to honor her leadership "as a fighter for women and families," said Stephanie Schriock, the group's president.

What’s to be said of an organization whose main goal is to elect women who ignore the rights of unborn children? The word “extreme” comes to mind. By accepting their invitation, Clinton would be aligning herself with radical feminists who demand abortion without apology. I doubt that would sit well with independent voters in the 2016 election.

Clinton’s pro-abortion agenda goes beyond accepting awards. In 1993, when she was attempting to transform the health care industry, she said that under her plan, abortion services “would be widely available.” Then, in 1999, she delivered a speech to NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, in Washington, D.C., stating her goal of “keeping abortion safe, legal and rare into the next century.”

In the past, EMILY’s List has awarded this same prize to legislators such as Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who insisted it’s ‘morally correct’ to force taxpayers to pay for abortion, and Barbara Boxer (D-CA), who once said a baby’s life begins when he or she returns from the hospital.

Sorry, Hillary, but that is not great company to keep.