
Gallup: Obamacare Approval Sitting at Just 37 Percent, 33 Among Independents

As the second Obamacare enrollment period gets underway and as the White House tries to squash Grubergate, approval of the President's signature healthcare legislation sits at just 37 percent according to a new Gallup poll, the second lowest since the bill was passed without a single Republican vote back in 2010. 

37% of Americans say they approve of the law, one percentage point below the previous low in January. Fifty-six percent disapprove, the high in disapproval by one point.

The legislation continues to receive a lack of support from independent voters, of which only 33 percent approval of the law. 

Approval of the law continues to diverge sharply by party, with 74% of Democrats and 8% of Republicans approving of it. Independents have never been particularly positive toward the law, with approval ranging between 31% and 41%. Currently, 33% of independents approve.

So how do Americans want Obamacare handled moving forward? Repeal? Full repeal? According to a recent survey from McLaughlin & Associates, 60 percent of voters would support full repeal of the law.

Incoming Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a recent press conference that although he wants to see the whole thing gone, complete repeal of the law is impossible with President Obama in the White House and therefore the new Republican Congress will work to repeal the legislation's most unpopular parts like the medical device tax and the individual mandate.