
Poll: One-Third of Americans Agree With Gruber

Gruber vindicated? Not quite:

One-out-of-three voters agree that Americans are too dumb to comprehend the new national health care law.

Jonathan Gruber, a key architect of the law, has been caught on video saying the law was deliberately written in a confusing way so “stupid” American voters wouldn’t understand the real cost to them and thus would be less likely to oppose it.

Thirty-two percent (32%) of Likely U.S. Voters agree that the American people are too stupid to understand the true costs associated with Obamacare, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone poll. Just 52% disagree and another 16% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Among voters who favor the health care law, only 18% think Americans are too stupid to understand the actual costs associated with the law. Those who oppose the law, however, by a 46% to 42% margin do think the American people are that stupid.

These comments have been discussed virtually everywhere this week (except, of course, on the major news networks). So it’s only fitting that at least one pollster would actually take the time to ask the dumb their fellow Americans are. Nevertheless, the results are stunning: One-third of respondents essentially agree with Gruber’s analysis.

So while he may indeed be one of the most loathed and despised academics in America right now, one assumes he also has a fair amount of supporters.

Apparently, contempt for the American voter is a widely shared and fairly popular value in some circles. Who knew?