
In Other News: State Education Dept Awaits Millions of Dollars from Obscure Nigerian Prince - Also Wins Cruise in Email Lottery

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Our marine who was being held in a Mexican prison (after taking a wrong turn into Mexico with a gun in his car) has finally been released. A Mexican judge apparently took it upon himself to do what Eric Holder, Barack Obama, and John Kerry refused to do: His job.

(Fox News)

The Indiana Department of Education was hacked by the Nigerian Cyber Army last week… The worst part is that the Department hasn’t seen a single penny from their distant Nigerian relative who left them $100 million USD after passing away as an obscure member of royalty.

(Weasel Zippers)

PBS host Tavis Smiley compared Obama to Jesus… I don’t remember reading anything about Jesus golfing this much.

(Weasel Zippers)

Police arrested a middle school student for wearing a Rosary at a school event. The police said rosaries are banned, because they often symbolize affiliation with gangs… One particular gang (taking their directives from a group called “the church”), is known for its drive-by prayers and regular Sunday morning shenanigans.

(News Channel 10)

A VA hospital is preparing to accept Ebola patients. They have a whole new waiting room specially designed to keep patients quarantined while Bureaucrats put them on secret waiting lists.


The Saudi religious police (yeah… that’s a thing) have decreed that it will be illegal for women to have “tempting eyes”. (I can see the next headline now: Breaking news - Saudis Plan to Outlaw Women in the Name of Islam - Details tonight at nine.)
