
In Other News: Obama’s Starbucks Salute - “Semper Fi Latte with Half a Pump”

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

A school in Temecula, Calif, is purging its library of any book written by a Christian author, features a Christian set of characters, or promotes a (supposedly) Christian message. (I guess they needed some more fodder for their bonfire.)

(Fox News)?

More riots broke out in Ferguson after an unattended candle ended up burning down the makeshift memorial to Mike Brown. The racist candle was probably made from white colored wax.


One guy at the Climate change march, in New York City, said the solution is to burn down the homes of all the rich people… Can you imagine the carbon footprint that would create?


The White House has apparently been censoring pool reports. Wow… And they still can’t convince the American people that Obama knows what he’s doing.

(Washington Post)

At the UN Obama managed to insult Israel, he mentioned that America is racist, and he defended Islam… The good news is that after he was done, none of our adversaries had anything left to say.


Rush Limbaugh once tipped a waitress $2,000 on a modest check. However, because he is “evil incarnate” (according to the waitress) she donated Limbaugh’s “blood money” to an abortion clinic. It must be nice stumbling through life with such little self-awareness.


And, one last thought before we leave… US Marines have stunning self-control:

“Semper Fi Latte with half a pump”