
Nancy Pelosi Warns About the End of Civilization if Republicans Win in November

Back in July, former House Speaker and current Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the terrorist group Hamas might be a humanitarian organization because the Qataris said so. Now, she's warning about the end of civilization as we know it...if Republicans win back the Senate in November. 

"It would be very important for Democrats to retain control of the Senate. Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate. It's really important," she said on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher.

Meanwhile, former White House Press Secretary and newly minted CNN contributor Jay Carney said over the weekend that November is looking pretty rough for Democrats.

"It's not going to be a good year for Democrats by definition," he said Sunday on State of the Union.

Hunker down everyone, the Republicans are coming! The Republicans are coming!