
Texan Pro-Abortion Activists: "You Haven't Seen the Last of Us Yet"

Yes, it's true. Those awful orange shirts are back. Today, Texan pro-abortion activists are heading to the capitol for the second federal challenge to House Bill 2, the pro-life legislation enacted last year. The bill, which bans abortion after 20 weeks and requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges, has helped shutter several abortion clinics in the state and saved thousands of unborn lives.

Our readers may recall the Lone Star State battle from last summer: The pro-abortion, orange T-shirt wearing activists in one corner, the pro-life, blue shirt wearing advocates in the other. The former refused to play nice, verbally threatening pro-lifers and even shouting "Hail Satan" during one rally. The crowds gathered in Austin as a response to Texas State Senator Wendy Davis's 12-hour filibuster against the pro-life bill. Pro-abortion feminists immediately hailed Davis their new hero, drew their "war on women" signs and made the trek to "end the patriarchy" in Austin.

Despite their efforts, Governor Rick Perry (R) signed the late-term abortion ban into law and, since its introduction, an incredible 46 percent of abortion providers have closed their practices. To put this more in perspective, abortions in Texas have dropped 13 percent and 9,200 babies have been ensured their right to life.

I hope one day these orange shirts will realize they're fighting for the wrong side. For every customer an abortion clinic loses, another life is gained.

Oh and don't worry. Those blue shirts will be well represented today too.