
MRCTV's Dan Joseph Wants To Know If Immigration Groups Would Discourage Illegal Entry

Earlier this week, MRCTV’s Dan Joseph attended a protest hosted by immigration activist groups, specifically Casa De Maryland. Given the situation on the border, where undocumented minors are arriving to the United States in droves; do these activists discourage illegal immigration into the country?

Casa De Maryland’s Executive Director Gustavo Torres said they’re for comprehensive immigration reform. But, when Joseph pressed him to go record stating that he and his organization would discourage families from trying to enter the United States illegally, his staff initiated secondary protocol and whisked him away.

Soon afterwards, Dan Joseph found himself being subjected to the silent treatment by protest organizers, warning other participants not to speak with him.

Joseph wrote in a blog post for that:

Some lawmakers believe that the recent influx of unaccompanied minors, mostly from Central America, is due to executive action that the president took in 2011, when he unilaterally granted amnesty to millions of young illegals currently in the United States.

Additionally, despite the activists [sic] claims that illegals are being deported at an alarming rate, statistics show that the number of illegal immigrant minors who have been deported is at an eight year low.