
"It's Not a War on Women, It's a Massacre of the Unborn"

This week I'm in Louisville, Ky. reporting from the 44th annual National Right to Life convention, where over 1,000 enthusiastic pro-lifers young and old have gathered to hear lifesaving truths and to gain materials they need to spread a pro-life message. The first session of this year's conference began by exposing the left's engineered "war on women."

As she introduced the panelists for "The REAL War on Women," NRLC President Carol Tobias offered a simple summary for what pro-abortion advocates believe: "If you think unborn children should be protected, you're against women." That's where the well-informed panelists came in.

Kathryn Lopez, the editor-at-large for National Review Online and a columnist for Townhall, solemnly remarked that 12 women went into an abortion clinic next to the conference hotel today, noting they "just needed someone to tell them they're there."

"So many women feel they have to have an abortion, that they have no choice. The narrative is we're taking away women's rights. I try not to entertain that narrative anymore."

Dr. Jean Garton, the founder of Lutherans for Life, told the crowd the truth about the link between abortion and health care.

"I believe it's a war on information, facts and truth. There's a different word for it: self factualization. The definition is when a person selectively chooses info to build their reality while refusing to acknowledge the existence of info that would ruin their carefully construed reality to be false.

"There are low information voters, people who don't have access to truth or who can't distinguish fact from fantasy. But, there's also those who manipulate language, redefine words."

The word "war," she insisted, is one that pro-choice advocates have seized.

"Merriam-Webster says war is 'a state of opened and declared armed hostility, a conflict between state and nations.' But war is not the word to define this issue. The correct word is a massacre of the unborn -- an act or instant of killing helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity and cruelty."

Garton continued to use the English language to prove her point, this time referencing the Thesaurus.

"Abortion was listed back in 1960 as failure in an early Thesaurus."

But pro-abortion advocates, Garton remarked, are inventing their own language to push their agendas.

"Such semantic gymnastics we see being used by abortion supporters. They come from highly educated, the elite in Washington. George Orwell once said, 'some things only intellectuals are crazy enough to believe.'"

Joy Pinto, an EWTN radio host who is also a director of pregnancy medical center, joined her fellow panelists in exposing feminists' verbal engineering, which many women have unfortunately accepted as truth. She suggested an alternative:

"This government tells them it's okay to use contraception, that abortion can be used as backup. They have bit the apple, they believe the lie. We see how they're suffering and we love them back. I think the pro-life movement needs to come out waging peace on women. Abortion doesn't have to be an option in the hearts and minds of our society. We want the bill of lies no more."

The left's manipulation, Lopez explained, also comes in the form of media bias. During the infamous Wendy Davis filibuster and subsequent pro-abortion protests in Texas last summer, for instance, Lopez pointed to the media's "total obscuring of the facts."

"Bills that would make clinics safer were ignored - it was all about restricting women's access to health care.

Lopez did suggest, however, that pro-lifers could view the left's semantics in a positive way.

"I find it as source of encouragement that they have to manipulate words. They can't use the word 'abortion.'"

There may not be a war on women, but pro-abortion advocates are certainly waging a war on words.

I'll be reporting from the National Right to Life conference through Saturday. Stay tuned for more of the truth.