
Did You Catch the 'State of the Uterus' Last Night?

“The state of our uterus is strong,” declared a puppet uterus.

After President Obama delivered his State of the Union and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers delivered the Republican response Tuesday night, Lady Parts Justice, the feminist brainchild of Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead, and the pro-choice organization Sarah Silverman has often lent her face to, weighed in on the state of their lady parts. In a sarcastic and strange four and a half minutes, Winstead held up a puppet uterus while congratulating GOP politicians on successfully waging a “war on women.”

“I’m here tonight to ensure the uteri of America that the government is back to work and that Republicans and Republicans alike are tirelessly fighting so that the uteri of America will have the same rights as the uteri of Saudi Arabia.”

It also addressed the Hobby Lobby case:

“Only right in the US could a Christian craft store have the opportunity to run Big Science out of town and into the ground. That is why I’m proposing in 2014 that Hobby Lobby employees hot glue their knees together as a form of birth control.”

After that, it condescendingly introduced Mike Huckabee as a "hero in the war on women" as the former governor's controversial comment about women’s "libido" at the Republican National Convention is still fresh in feminists' minds.

And there was this:

The puppet concluded by asking for donations in these GOP politicians’ fight in the "war on women."

“They’ll always remind you they have your back - in an alley.”

What a contrast from McMorris Rodgers’ classy rebuttal to the president’s address. In an inspiring speech, the Republican congresswoman shared what makes America exceptional, as well as the need for personal responsibility. That is, before pro-choice feminists shamed our nation by obsessing over their lady parts.

If you want to watch the full speech, I (hesitatingly) provide the link. (Warning: *vulgar language*)