
Poll: What Man and Woman Did Americans Admire Most in 2013?

Answer: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, respectively:

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A few interesting tidbits: Yes, Barack Obama has been Gallup’s “Most Admired Man” every year since 2008 (the pollsters ask respondents annually to select “the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most”) but his stock has fallen considerably since then. Last year, 30 percent of respondents appraised him as the most admired male living in the world -- a 14 point drop in 12 months. And since a sitting U.S. president has won the distinction 57 times in the survey’s 67 year history, it’s not altogether unusual he would win every single year while still in office. At the same time, according to the pollsters, Hillary Clinton -- the winner this year, of course -- has been mentioned on the top 10 list 18 times, but not nearly as many times as, say, Queen Elizabeth II or the Reverend Billy Graham:

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The survey was conducted Dec. 5-8.