
Poll: Basically No One Thinks Obamacare Problems Will be Fixed in 2014

No one seems to be buying the president’s claim that Obamacare “is working and will work into the future.”

According to a Rasmussen report released Thursday:

“Despite assurances from the Obama administration over the weekend that the problems with the federal health insurance exchange website have been fixed, voters need more convincing that Obamacare is on the right track.

Only 37% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it’s at least somewhat likely that the current problems with the new national health care law will be fixed within the next year. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% think that's unlikely. This includes 22% who say it's Very Likely those problems will be fixed in the coming year and 35% who say it's Not At All Likely.”

Nearly 60 percent of Americans doubt Obamacare can be fixed within the next year. An even larger majority, 81 percent, believe the law should be changed or repealed all together.

Despite the people's wishes, Obama said he will work to implement and improve, but never repeal his legislation.