
Thanks, ObamaCare: One Million Californians Lose Their Insurance

ObamaCare was supposed to insure the uninsured. Instead, it is uninsuring the insured. The newest example of this pernicious trend? California -- where a whopping one million residents have lost their health insurance.

That means they'll be tossed into the ugly world of the ObamaCare exchanges. And guess what? As Betsy McCaughey notes:

[M]any of the plans being offered on the exchanges are Medicaid with a private label slapped on them. The McKinsey Center for U.S. Health System Reform reports that Medicaid insurers are playing a large role in the exchanges.

Just as many doctors refuse to accept Medicaid, they are also refusing to accept exchange insurance. In California, a Blue Cross plan on the exchange covers 47% fewer doctors than Blue Cross subscribers in California currently get. (emphasis added)

So here come a million more hard-luck stories, from people who liked their insurance and didn't get to keep it. Had we not left California two years ago, our family would have been among them. It's going to get ugly -- no wonder Dianne Feinstein has signed on to the effort to let people keep the insurance they liked (although no one can figure out how actually to make that happen!).

Given that California's a blue state, many residents of the once-Golden State are getting what they voted for. But in the end, that's cold comfort, isn't it?