
Boehner Pushes Last Minute Debt Limit Plan

Tired of waiting on the Senate to finalize its own debt limit plan, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) unveiled his own solution Tuesday morning to the House Republican conference.

The new Boehner deal, like the not-yet-finalized Senate deal, would re-open the federal government at sequestration funding levels through January 15th and extend the Treasury's borrowing limit through February 7th.

In addition, the Boehner plan would delay the medical device tax for two years, add stricter income verification provisions to the Obamacare subsidy eligibility process, and force all Members of Congress and U.S. Cabinet officials to use Obamacare.

The Senate plan had the same CR and debt limit extensions, but delayed a different tax and did not force anyone new to use Obamacare.

Boehner is scheduling a vote for the plan in the House tonight without performing a whip check. It is far from certain the plan will pass, as Republicans bent on defunding Obamacare will considerate too weak an offer and moderates too strong.

If the bill passes, House Republicans may adjourn leaving Senate Democrats and President Obama with a final take-it-or-leave-it offer.