
Disability Train Wreck in the Media Crosshairs...Finally!

It started with a great piece in National Review by Lee Habeeb a month or so ago and a deep dive by SRN Host and Fox contributor Mike Gallagher. The two exposed an explosion in disability claims in America, driven by greedy law firms, poor government oversight, and a system that actually pays people who could work not to work.

NPR weighed-in with a short series called "Unfit for Work; The Startling Rise of Disability in America."

Then came a 60 Minutes piece Sunday night.

It was attacked immediately on the left by the usual suspects. The LA Times ran an attack piece on the 60 Minutes story as did The Nation and Media Matters with national disability organizations leading the charge.

Then on Monday, a Congressional hearing run by Senator Tom Coburn turned up the heat on the issue, followed by this piece on The Bill O'Reilly Show last night.

This is one of those rare subjects that outrages the right AND left.