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16K Chinese Migrants Headed for U.S. Border, Detained

AP Photo/Christian Chavez

Border Patrol agents apprehended tens of thousands of illegal Chinese migrants headed for the U.S. border as President Joe Biden's immigration crisis continues to threaten the nation's national security risk. 


Since October 1, 2023, Border Patrol agents have detained nearly 16,000 Chinese nationals who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports, 9,844 migrants were apprehended in October and November, leaving roughly 6,800 to be arrested since December 1, 2023.

In addition, Mexican authorities detained 40 Chinese illegal migrants who were traveling by bus in southern Mexico on their way to the United States. That same day, Mexican authorities apprehended 180 migrants in the state of Oaxaca coming from Central and South America— also heading for the U.S. 

Since Biden took office in 2021, the number of apprehensions of Chinese migrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally skyrocketed from being in the single digits to thousands every month. 

There has been a dramatic rise in Chinese apprehensions since Biden's first month in office until now.

In February 2021— Biden's first whole month in office— border agents apprehended only nine Chinese migrants. As the president's reckless, anti-America policies began to settle in, that number rose to dozens per month in FY21, hundreds per month in FY22, and thousands per month in FY23 and FY24.


Apprehensions of Chinese migrants doubled the annual rate of any year before the Biden Administration took office in Border Patrol reports that date back to 2007.

The U.S.-Mexico border has seen record amounts of illegal crossings. The fiscal year 2023 saw a massive number of illegal aliens storm the southern border, with a record of 3.2 million migrants encountered. This number does not include "gotaways" or those who have avoided detection. Since Biden took office, more than 8 million illegal aliens have entered the United States. 

A recent Pew Research Center poll found that only 32 percent of U.S. adults are very confident or somewhat confident in the president's ability to make "wise decisions about immigration policy."

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