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New Charges Filed Against ACORN

Last week, you may recall that the House Financial Services Committee unanimously accepted my amendment to keep tax dollars from flowing to organizations indicted for voter fraud during consideration of the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act.

You may also recall that Chairman Barney Frank later revoked his support for my amendment.

My amendment would keep organizations that are under indictment for voter fraud or other criminal activities, or that employ people indicted for such crimes, from accessing billions of your tax dollars. Groups such as ACORN are repeatedly charged with violating the law and the public trust, yet they continue to access taxpayer funds. The threshold for gaining taxpayer funding should not be so low.

Interestingly, the Associated Press reported Monday that Nevada authorities  filed criminal charges against ACORN and two former employees for voter registration fraud.

Last week I asked: Whose side are we on:  The taxpayer's or ACORN's?  Chairman Frank still has the opportunity to side with taxpayers by upholding the decision of the Financial Services Committee to implement the highest standard and withhold taxpayer dollars from funding organizations when they're under the cloud of suspicion of a public criminal indictment.

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