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Re: Obama's Sept. 8 Address to School Children

Apparently there is an organized movement circulating around Twitter for a PASS Day--Parent-Approved Skip School Day--to take place on Sept. 8 in protest to Obama's planned address being televised in all the nation's public school classrooms.  In fact, here's a suggested "absence excuse" making its way  around Twitterdom today:

To Whom it May Concern:

When it comes to teaching my child about personal responsibility and life goals, I have determined that I am a far better teacher of those objectives than a President who has chosen to surround himself with known anarchists and terrorists.

Therefore, <child's name> will be at home on Sept 8th in order not to be corrupted by the propaganda that will be shown in his class room.

Respectfully Yours,
<parent's name>

PS--In addition to the Pre-K-6th grade guidelines the Department of Ed sent out to teachers that I wrote about earlier this week, the administration hasn't forgotten about the nation's impressionable teenagers--there's also a
7-12th grade "menu" as well. 

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