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So, That's Why an Oregon Woman Is Accusing a Hospital of Denying Her Medical Care

This incident occurred earlier this month, but it’s shocking, nonetheless. Cancer treatment is now a cancellable event with the woke mob. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, keep your mouth shut about certain issues because hospitals will refuse treatment. So, was the Hippocratic oath disregarded here? It wouldn't be shocking since the Left seldom respects the rule of law or professional conduct when their sensibilities are offended. In this case, a woman in Oregon fighting cancer disagreed with the transgender flag displayed at the facility, which landed her in the woke doghouse (via Newsweek): 


…a hospital in Portland, Oregon, has allegedly denied a cancer patient medical care after she expressed discomfort about the clinic's prominent transgender flag display. 

Marlene Barbera said she was undergoing treatment for breast cancer at Richmond Family Medicine Clinic, which is part of the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU). Last year, she wrote a message to inform her doctor that she didn't feel comfortable entering the clinic, which prominently displayed a transgender flag, according to a report by Reduxx, a feminist news and opinion website. 

"I do not feel comfortable coming into Richmond with that enormous transgenderism banner hanging like a Nazi flag behind the reception desk," Barbera wrote. "Where is the flag for women? For children?" 

She added, "Male violence toward women is undimmed by any level of transition." 

However, an OHSU spokesperson told Newsweek that the Richmond Family Medicine Clinic doesn't offer oncology services. 

In her letter, Barbera requested a telephone appointment to "discuss how I may access your medical care without walking under a banner that seeks to negate all I am". 

However, the situation intensified this year after Barbera tried to leave a message for her doctor about blood test results. The receptionist urged her to make an appointment instead. Not wanting to add another medical appointment to her calendar, Barbera refused. The receptionist allegedly got frustrated and "hung up on" Barbera, according to Barbera's comments in the Reduxx report.

Barbera assumed the receptionist was being difficult because of her stance on the hospital's transgender flag display. 

"I asked, guessing 'did I hurt the trans person's feelings?' 


Reportedly, Ms. Barbera was told to get re-educated, which she refused. Libs of Tik Tok got blamed for shining light on this alleged injustice. It doesn’t sound like Ms. Barbera is a die-hard conservative or Trump supporter, perhaps a feminist who isn’t about nuking womanhood to appease dudes thinking they’re women. That’s immaterial, however. Denying someone medical care over political views is atrocious, though in keeping with liberals' draconian and heartless standards, which they force upon us in their twisted crusade for a utopian society. 

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