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Why Bill de Blasio's COVID Passport Edict Is About to Backfire Hard

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

Well, we knew this was going to happen. When you prohibit those who are unvaccinated from a host of public places, like bars, restaurants, and gyms—and most of those prohibited persons tend to be nonwhite—there's going to be accusations of racism. 


In New York City, you need your photo ID and a vaccination card to enter these locations. The liberal self-own here is just epic. Photo identification is Jim Crow 2.0, but it's okay for COVID vaccination status. It's mind-blowing how liberals so expertly dice their talking points into sashimi. For Carmine's, they're about to be besieged by Black Lives Matter activists after a hostess and black patrons from Texas were involved in an altercation when proof of vaccination status was refused by the diners. Racial slurs were allegedly hurled at the black patrons. We'll see about that, but the fact that BLM is coming to the Big Apple to protest the racist COVID passport ordinance is just as entertaining as it is predictable (via Daily Wire): 

Black Lives Matter’s Greater New York chapter plans to protest Carmine’s restaurant in New York City following reports that a hostess tangled with a group of black women over COVID-19 vaccination cards. The group is also claiming that the city’s vaccine passport is racist.

Fox News reported that “a 24-year-old hostess was assaulted Thursday” at Carmine’s “by three Black female tourists from Texas after the hostess requested to see their COVID-19 vaccine card. Kaeita Nkeenge Rankin, 44, Tyonnie Keshay Rankin, 21, and Sally Rechelle Lewis, 49, were arrested and charged with assault and criminal mischief.”

Later reports seem to indicate that the women were seated, but ended up in an argument with the hostess after men who were supposed to join their party refused to provide the hostess with their proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

An attorney for one of the women claims that the hostess used a racial slur and that the pair engaged in “mutual combat,” though the women were arrested for assault.

Black Lives Matter now says it will protest not just Carmine’s for the hostess’s alleged behavior in enforcing the city’s vaccine mandate but that the mandate itself, which requires diners to have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to dine indoors, is itself racist — or, at least provides cover for racism.

“I believe that this New York City vaccine passport will be used to keep Black people out of spaces, and if we don’t stop it now then the police will use it as an excuse to harass and arrest our people,” a representative for BLM Greater New York told Fox.


Black Americans remain the demographic that's least likely to be vaccinated in the city. I'm just shocked it took this long for the liberals to shoot themselves in the foot on this one. Why would Mayor Bill de Blasio pass such a racist edict? You think you know someone, huh? No, but seriously, he chucked this boomerang and it's about to break his face. So much for being part of those BLM murals over the summer, huh, Bill?

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