My God—this is painful. Hypeline News, a project of Turning Points USA, ventured onto a college campus and asked students about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Of course, the students felt she was the spawn of Satan that was out to destroy public education. One student couldn’t understand how she was “elected” to the position (that’s not how this works). They also seem to be mostly Bernie Sanders supporters. So, how do these liberals—who are feeling the Bern—think about giving students in low-income communities and failing school districts a voucher to go to a better schools, more school choice, and the principle that a zip code shouldn’t determine a child’s future? Well, they support vouchers, school choice, and agree that zip codes shouldn’t be the deciding factor in a student’s education. So, it looks like they support DeVos’ agenda.
One student felt that DeVos hasn’t done anything to improve the education system. The interviewer noted that the education secretary has established numerous nonprofits dedicated to expanding school choice and helping low-income communities.
“I’m not for sure, like—I wasn’t really ever informed about that,” she replied.
Other students were equally gob smacked.
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