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Connecticut Lawmakers Pass Pro-Abortion Bill Pushing Back Against Pro-Life Laws in Other States

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

The Connecticut House of Representatives passed a pro-abortion bill on Tuesday with bipartisan support that pushes back against pro-life laws passed in several states to protect the unborn. The bill allows individuals who face legal liabilities for violating abortion statutes in other states to sue for damages in court in Connecticut.


"The bill also establishes a cause of action that allows persons who were sued in another state for allegedly providing, or receiving support for, reproductive health services that are legal in Connecticut to recover certain costs they incurred defending the original action and bringing an action under the bill," the legislation, H.B. 5414, states.

Fox News noted that Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont, a Democrat, pledged to sign the bill into law if it passes.

In September, a law went into effect in Texas that outlawed abortion after fetal heartbeat detection. In addition, the law, Senate Bill 8, allows private citizens to pursue legal action against those who provide illegal abortions or aid women seeking an illegal abortion. 

Last month, Idaho Gov. Brad Little, a Republican, signed a similar bill into law. The Idaho law allows the father of the unborn child, and the grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles to pursue legal action against the medical provider who performs the abortion. The Idaho Supreme Court later blocked the law. 

On the other hand, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a pro-abortion Democrat, signed a law last month that prohibits pursuing legal action against women seeking an abortion and those who aid them. He said during the bill signing that abortion is a choice women have “enjoyed” for years.


A study published by The Associated Press in February found that abortions in Texas fell around 60 percent in the first month after the state’s “heartbeat” law took effect. A case currently under review by the United States Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade this summer, which gave women the right to abortion in 1973.

“Texas abortion providers have acknowledged the law is likely to stay on the books for the foreseeable future,” the AP noted in its report. “It comes as the U.S. Supreme Court has signaled a willingness to weaken or reverse the landmark Roe v. Wade precedent in a ruling that is expected later this year.”

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