The terrorists who were killed in the London Bridge attack will not receive funeral prayers from more than 130 Muslim religious leaders—a move that’s being called “unprecedented,” as the rites are typically performed for the dead no matter their actions.
“We, as Muslim Imams and religious leaders, condemn the recent terror attacks in Manchester and London in the strongest terms possible,” the Muslim leaders said in a statement. “Coming from a range of backgrounds, and from across the U.K.; feeling the pain the rest of the nation feels, we have come together to express our shock and utter disgust at these cold-blooded murders. We are deeply hurt that a spate of terror attacks have been committed in our country once more by murderers who seek to gain religious legitimacy for their actions. We seek to clarify that their reprehensible actions have neither legitimacy nor our sympathy.”
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was encouraged by the move, noting that their decision means “they’re condemning their souls.”
Mak Chishty, the Metropolitan police commander of engagement, said, according to The Guardian, that it is time for Muslims to “counter the scourge of terrorism, extremism and hatred that we have in our communities at present.”
Chishty, the highest-ranking officer in the department of Muslim faith, said, “It is the Islamic duty of every Muslim to be loyal to the country in which they live. We are now asking questions to understand how extremism and hatred has taken hold within some elements of our own communities.”
The attack killed seven people and injured nearly 50 others. The three terrorists responsible were killed. All 12 people who were arrested in the wake of the attacks have since been released without charge.
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