Musician and actor Nick Cannon slammed Planned Parenthood on Friday, calling its abortion practices “modern day eugenics.” Cannon was doubling down on recent comments he made saying the abortion giant was committing a “real genocide” against black Americans.
“Hillary was sneaking and cheating,” Cannon said in an interview with New York’s radio show, The Breakfast Club. “Think about all the stuff they did with Planned Parenthood and all that type of stuff. That type of stuff is to take our community — and forget gentrification, it’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years. This system is not built for us.”
He added, "This system is not built for us. This is not our land. I appreciate it, I love it, wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but this wasn't designed for our people."
A SplashNewsOnline videographer caught up with him at Los Angeles International airport to follow up on those remarks.
“Yeah, [Planned Parenthood is] modern-day eugenics,” he said.
“Can’t elaborate anymore?” the videographer responded, noting “it’s an important topic.”
“Yeah,” he said, “It’s population control.”
Cannon previously stated that he felt it was his duty to tell the truth.
"I come from a long line of community leaders and I've always thought that to who much is given, you're responsible for that, much is required. So I use my platform to tell the truth at the end of the day," he said, referring to Luke12:48.
Cannon is absolutely correct. In New York City alone, more black babies are aborted than born alive.
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