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Orrin Hatch: People Who Support Obamacare Are the 'Stupidest, Dumba**' People I've Ever Met

With retirement comes liberation, especially in politics. 

Longtime Republican Senator and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, who will likely be replaced in the fall by former presidential candidate and Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, just showed us how. 


During a speech at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington D.C. this week, Hatch let loose about his feelings toward Obamacare and those who support the law.

"That was the stupidest, dumba** bill that I've ever seen," Hatch said. "Some of you may have loved it. If you do, you are one of the stupidest, dumba** people I've ever met." 

Hatch has served in the Senate longer than any of his Republican peers and announced his retirement in late 2017.

In December Republicans voted to repeal the Obamacare Individual Mandate, which forced people without health insurance to buy coverage or face a fine from the government, as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs act. The move came after years of failed efforts by Republicans to fully repeal Obamacare.


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