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The 15-Second Clip That Defines Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

After more than three weeks of rancor-laced panic and recriminations following Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance in Atlanta, the Democrats have forced their incumbent and presumptive nominee out of the 2024 race.  More than 14.4 million people voted for Biden in the party's primary election process, accounting for more than 87 percent of the vote total.  He amassed 3,905 delegates, easily winning re-nomination.  Then, during an unusually early general election forum against his challenger, Biden's cognitive decline and overall unfitness for office was laid bare in front of tens of millions of viewers.  His party's elaborate lie about his condition, aided and abetted by many in the 'news' media, fell apart over the span of 20 minutes.  They'd spent weeks, months, and even years insisting that critics pointing out reality were smear artists, peddling "cheap fakes" and ugly ageism.  Their lie ran out of gas, after it was too late.  


Well, almost too late.  Many of the same people who'd been all-in on that Big Lie instantly pivoted to hectoring the beneficiary of that lie to exit the race.  It wasn't his inability to ably execute the duties of his office that seemed to bother them; it was his unnervingly weak polling.  He twisted in the wind for weeks, declaring his intention to stay in, but the drumbeat grew louder and louder.  And after several days in COVID-induced isolation at the beach house where he's spent much of his presidency, Biden finally threw in the towel.  He's out, and he's endorsing Kamala Harris -- one of the central figures in the massive, mendacious cover-up about his dangerous decline -- as his successor.  The self-described party of 'democracy' seized upon pandemic-era abnormalities to change the rules in the middle of the last presidential election, to their benefit.  Now in the current election, they're changing their candidate -- after their own voters rendered a judgment, and even after a general election presidential debate of their choosing.  

Their base will fall in line, re-energized by the conclusion of a very unpleasant span of nearly a month.  They're not upset about being disenfranchised if it means increasing their chances of winning and holding power. But it's unclear how undecideds, independents, and 'double-disapprovers' will react as the new reality of the new contest settles in.  They certainly shouldn't take Democrats' constant "democracy' bleating seriously again.  Republicans, for their part, were already experiencing turbo-charged enthusiasm, even before Donald Trump was nearly assassinated.  I'm confident the Democrats' latest power-focused machination will send GOP determination higher into the stratosphere.  The mentality goes like this:  The opposition will do whatever it takes to win.  They'll invent the Russia hoax, they'll widely censor a legitimate and damaging news story as "Russian disinformation," they'll prosecute and convict their rival on bogus charges, and they'll even swap out their own nominee, post-primaries, once their conspiracy of silence about his cognitive function shattered into a million pieces on national television.  They are arrogant, devious, dishonest, and totally unaccountable.  The 'news' media enables or actively collaborates in these schemes.  The only way to overcome such behavior is to turn out in extraordinary, overwhelming numbers.


The Democrats' (likely, but not yet certain) do-over nominee is the sitting Vice President of the United States.  She is unpopular, roughly along the lines of the man who is exiting the stage after nearly four failed years in the Oval Office.  In her own 2020 cycle presidential run, she was so off-putting to voters that her campaign didn't actually survive into the calendar year 2020.  During that bid, however, she embraced a dog's breakfast of extreme leftist ideology, from endorsing the elimination of private health insurance, favoring the de-criminalization of illegal immigration, and standing with the radical 'defund the police' movement by applauding the slashing of police budgets and actively facilitating the release of violent criminals from custody.  She believes American taxpayers should pay for illegal immigrants' healthcare.  She's such a committed supporter of the deeply insane 'Green New Deal' that she proposed blowing up the Senate filibuster to pass it, and awkwardly chuckled her way through a call to ban plastic straws:  

It also seems probable that Harris will also embrace Biden's disturbing, reportedly imminent Supreme Court 'reform' package.  Make no mistake: As Joe Biden drifted inexorably leftward as president -- having falsely marketed himself as a stabilizing moderate, resulting in terrible outcomes for the country -- he was drifting toward the Kamala Harris wing of the party.  Much will be said about Harris if and when she becomes their party's nominee.  For now, this 15-second clip of an interview from the early days of the Biden-Harris misadventure is an encapsulation of who she is as a politician:


This short video has it all: First, the clumsily-attempted dishonestly, pretending that the 'Royal We' had been to the border.  When called out on it, she briefly freezes, then offers a bizarre non-sequitur, followed by her signature laugh, after which she plays dumb about the point of the question she's bungling.  And the question pertained to her role as 'Border Czar,' the highest-profile issue in her policy portfolio.  Under Border Czar Harris, roughly ten million illegal border crossings took place, including nearly two million known 'got-aways.'  Kamala Harris' fingerprints are all over the dangerous Big Lie regarding Biden's function, as well as what has arguably been Biden's very worst policy catastrophe.  But because she is likely to be the person standing in the way of a second Trump term, there will be an astounding blitz from the Democrat-media PR machine on her behalf.  Prepare yourselves:


And yes, it will involve quite a bit of aggressive insistence from many of the same people who aggressively insisted about Biden’s condition until they couldn’t anymore.  The Trump campaign knew this was a possibility, and had clearly planned for the contingency: 

My sense of the overall state of play moving forward is that Harris is deeply flawed as a candidate, is seriously burdened by the failures of the Harris/Biden administration, and enters the race as a slight underdog. But she will be propped up by her party and their media allies in an unprecedented way -- and while she has dug herself a pretty deep favorability hole, her opponent is hardly a powerhouse of national popularity and affection beyond his own base.  Republicans have been walking on air for the last several weeks.  They can still win this election, of course, and could possibly win it decisively.  She is not good, and some Democrats I've spoken to are worried about how she might fare, especially in certain critical states.  She may get a bounce out of this news, especially with all the "historic" rhetoric, but it might be fleeting, or even materialize at all.  Regardless, understand that this is absolutely a losable election for Trump and the Republicans, and the winning trajectory they were on may have just been jolted in a way that other major events have not precipitated.  The GOP cannot be complacent, and the Trump base cannot overestimate the broader appeal of their beloved candidate:


I'll leave you with this:

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