I spent the morning tweeting about the brand new national Quinnipiac poll of registered voters. Here's a summary of its findings, starting with Hillary Clinton:
Q-poll: Hillary favorability (39/51); large majority (61%) say she's dishonest, her worst score yet: http://t.co/jfg5RXVNHt
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 27, 2015
Look at the top 3. Wow. http://t.co/tBZu39j1LR - pic.twitter.com/tk1DLAi4pa
— Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) August 27, 2015
And then there's the Biden factor (Sanders and Biden's combined support among Democratic primary voters nearly equals Hillary's in this survey, though she's still well ahead of them separately):
Biden running 3-4 points stronger against R's than she is. Much better favs/honesty #'s. https://t.co/4P2wTaBmuh
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 27, 2015
Over on the Republican side, there is a very clear frontrunner. He's the one who's been sucking up the overwhelming majority of media coverage for weeks on end. How clear is his frontrunner status? Yowza:
New nat'l Q-poll: In GOP primary, Trump support exceeds Cruz+Walker+Jeb+Rubio *combined.* Fares worst vs Dems: http://t.co/jfg5RXVNHt
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 27, 2015
The Donald sits at 28 percent support, with Ben Carson next at 12 percent. The four candidates mentioned in the tweet above manage 27 percent support, total. If CNN were to use this poll to select its top ten for the network's upcoming Republican debate, Rand Paul (2 percent) would be on the outside looking in, with Carly Fiorina (5 percent) taking his spot. The Fiorina campaign has been
Trump's favorables worse than Hillary's. Honesty score almost as bad. GOP primary =/= general electorate: http://t.co/jfg5RXVNHt
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 27, 2015
Top 3 words associated with Trump: Arrogant, blowhard, idiot. http://t.co/jfg5RXVNHt
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 27, 2015
Finally, Trump seen unfavorably by 58% of women, 63% of Hispanics: http://t.co/jfg5RXVNHt
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 27, 2015
Women comprise a majority of the American electorate, with Hispanics representing the largest minority group. Trump and his fans understandably love to tout surveys showing him leading the GOP primary, but they ignore or dismiss his dead-last performance on telltale measures like personal favorability and temperament among all voters, not just Republican ones. Trump loses to all three Democrats in the survey, including Bernie Sanders -- trailing by the largest margins of those Republicans polled. While Trump is at (-18) on favorability and Hillary is at (-12), Jeb Bush remains underwater at (-9). The word most associated with his candidacy is "Bush," underscoring his greatest vulnerability. The Republicans who fare best on favorability are Carson (+20), Rubio (+14), Kasich (+13) and Fiorina (+12). Of that group, Rubio is far and away the best known, with majorities of voters saying they've never heard of the others. Candidates like Cruz and Walker sit in the middle of the pack.
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