We've all heard how historic it was to have the first African-American elected President back in November. Is it not equally important to have the first African-American ever elected to the position of Chairman of one of our political parties? As a member of the media, I have called the White House three times asking for a quote from the President only not to have a return phone call. Wouldn't one think that the Barack Obama would feel compelled to congratulate a fellow history maker? Especially during black history month?
There is this faint congratulations from Steele's counterpart at the DNC, Tim Kaine, though it offers no mention of being the first African-American to lead a party: "My congratulations to Michael Steele on his election as chairman of the Republican National Committee. Together, we have the honor of leading our respective Parties during one of the most important periods in our country's history. I look forward to working with Chairman Steele as we set out to put partisanship and the politics of the past aside to get our economy working again. The American people have sent a clear message that the challenges we face are too great for us to get bogged down by outmoded ideological divides. They have challenged us to work together to find practical solutions that will put this country back on the right track. President Obama and the Democratic Party are answering that challenge, and I hope Chairman Steele will join us."
I am waiting by my phone going on week number two, any thoughts to when (or if) the White House will congratulate Michael Steele? Weren't we promised change, a new America? I have my doubts.
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