Andy Parker, the father of Alison Parker, one of the WDBJ journalists killed live on TV Wednesday morning, spoke to reporters Friday in Roanoke, VA. The grieving father shared that his daughter, just 24 years old, was a ‘force of nature’ and touched the lives of so many around her. He also spoke at length about his mission to change our nation’s gun laws.
“We need to keep crazy people from getting guns,” Parker said. “This senseless murder will not go in vain.”
He specifically criticized the NRA, saying that while several of the organization’s members support background checks, many politicians associated with the group get nothing done.
Fox News reporter Rick Leventhal delicately pointed out that Alison’s murderer, Vester Lee Flanagan, passed a background check before working at the WDBJ news station. Parker responded by commenting on Flanagan’s disruptive behavior at the station, something the station manager, Jeff Marks, described in detail on Thursday.
At one point, Parker looked straight at the camera and challenged President Obama to enact gun laws, saying he would help him accomplish that goal.
However, Parker also acknowledged that he will ‘probably have to get a gun’ for safety reasons, because he is now a figure in the media.
Parker then spoke to the press directly, urging them to not forget this tragedy.
“The media can’t let this die,” he said. “This can’t be the story for three days and then say, ‘Oh gee, let’s see what Donald Trump has to say.””
The father said his loved ones will hold a ‘celebration of life’ for Alison this Monday. Thoughts and prayers go out to their whole family.
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