Vice President Mike Pence has quite a menagerie of animals, including the cleverly-named rabbit "Marlon Bundo." Bundo, who is now known as "BOTUS" (Bunny of the United States), has joined Instagram and will be documenting his White House adventures on the social network--including his "first bundred days."
Here are the first posts "by" Bundo.
The past few presidencies have produced their fair share of iconic pets. The Clintons had a cat, Socks, George W. Bush had Barney the Scottish terrier, and the Obamas had Bo and Sunny, a pair of Portuguese water dogs. As of now, Donald Trump doesn't have a pet--he's the first president in over a century without a dog. It looks as though Marlon Bundo may have to step in as the role of "first pet."
Which, to be frank, is a cause I believe we can all rally around.
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