In Monday's New York Times the newspaper included a full two-page spread of 281 people or things that Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter since kicking off his campaign last June. The list includes targets at political pundits, the United States as a whole, Jeb Bush's campaign, and many, many others.
Donald Trump’s Twitter insults: The complete list, printed in today’s paper
— The New York Times (@nytimes) October 24, 2016
Some "highlights":
George Will: "BORING"
Mark Cuban: "Dopey"
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA): "Didn't have the guts to run for POTUS"
Lincoln Chafee: "Can anyone imagine him as president? No way."
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "SAD!"
Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) Campaign: "bad!"
VP Joe Biden: "Not very bright."
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