Results for: agenda 47

Oh My: Two New Polls Show Dead Heat in Colorado Senate Race
– if it’s a Republican against a generic Democrat “who will help President Barack Obama and the Democrats in the Senate” pass his agenda … Obama is viewed unfavorably by 55 percent, with 47 percent saying they strongly disapprove, in the poll.…
Political Competition, Not Racism, Changes Voter Alignments…cal-competition-not-racism-changes-voter-alignments-n1827173
– Chait defends liberals by arguing that the debates on big government were inevitably produced by the Obama agenda and "there is no … But with a smaller nonwhite electorate, Bush won 53 percent of the total popular vote to Romney's 47 percent.…
America in Decline Under President Barack Obama
– That would put Congress firmly in GOP hands for the last two years of his administration, blocking whatever is left of his agenda. … The Gallup Poll says that life for many Americans has become painfully difficult, with 47 percent saying they are "struggling," and…
The 20 Best Quotes From Romney and Ryan In The 2012 Debates
– We don’t have to settle for 47 million people on food stamps. … But people will make their own choice. -- Mitt Romney 10) Attacking me is not an agenda. -- Mitt Romney 9) Mr. … The proof of that is we’ve gone from 32 million on food stamps to 47 million on food stamps.…
Housing the Redheaded Stepchild during Debates
– A tip for Romney when Obama again and again lies about his 47% comment taken out of context; quote the following from the great American … Philosopher George Carlin who effectively sums up Obama’s welfare state, economic agenda, and tax the rich solutions: The real…
Show vs. Substance
– Today, 47 million people are on food stamps. How about the growth of the economy? … biases (free markets and a free press in a free country, just to start with), I imagine I'd be mighty critical of the president's agenda
Obama Awakes—But Can’t Stop Mitt
– for 100 percent of the populace, so that when Obama used his closing statement to finally get around to citing the controversial “47 … the-man-with-the-plan and the disputants devoted far more time to arguing over Romney’s proposals for change than evaluating Obama’s bold agenda … for his second term—a given, since there is still no bold agenda for that prospective second term.…
America Needs Leadership, Not Empty Rhetoric
– Would you vote for an incumbent who offered the voters no specific legislative agenda indicating what he hoped to achieve by 2017 if … Yet despite this bleak economic, fiscal and social record, 47 percent of likely voters say they'll vote for him anyway, according to…
Republicans Have Already Lost Fight on Fiscal Cliff
– Democrats also support a millionaire "Buffett" tax, which could raise -- maybe -- $47 billion over the next decade, or less than $5 … this debate (rich vs. the rest) and the Republicans who are unable to muster a cogent retort or a single enticing reform-minded agenda
7 Things The GOP Needs To Do To Start Turning It Around
– to die in the political wilderness waiting for everyone to come around to our way of thinking. 6) It's time to refresh our agenda … The 47% of Americans who pay no income taxes certainly aren't going to be swayed by that and although we should certainly defend the…
Why Did Mitt Romney Lose?
– The Romney campaign exacerbated this through the challenger’s failure to articulate a clear, positive agenda to address these voters … ’ fears, and self-inflicted wounds like the “47 percent” gaffe.…
Groundhog Day in America
– So if there is a second-term agenda, even Obama supporters don't quite know what it will be. … And the 47 percent were at the mercy of the grasping 1 percent.…
It Begins: Reid Proposes Changing Filibuster Rules
– Republicans, who have 47 of the chamber’s 100 seats in this current Congress, have repeatedly used that strong minority to block parts … of President Obama’s agenda on everything from added stimulus spending to his judicial picks.…
The GOP: A Most Unpopular Majority Party
– retired, intelligent mother-in-law voted for Obama because she believed Romney didn't care about her as a woman and a member of the "47 … critique of Obama's failed record and offered his own concrete solutions, Obama mostly ignored policy, refused to put forward his own agenda … , grossly mischaracterized Romney's agenda, blamed his predecessor, demonized Romney and worked up various identity groups into a frenzy…
What Price 'Fairness'?
– When voters were asked on Nov. 6 whether they favored raising taxes to reduce the deficit, a total of 60 percent said yes (47 percent … average," the authors noted in the Wall Street Journal, "the typical unsuccessful consolidation consisted of 53% tax increases and 47% … The progressive agenda, Richard Epstein writes in "Why Progressive Institutions are Unsustainable" (Encounter Books), supplies a "one-two…
Cash Cow Offered by Lame Ducks
– One of the important agenda items for the lame duck session of the 112th Congress is the extension of the Production Tax Credit (PTC … Pre-election, Republicans held 47 Senate seats out of 100. … Corralling all 47 Republicans and 4 Democrats and/or Independents to stand together in opposition to the extension was difficult—but…
Republicans Champion Popular Thriftiness
– The Democrats' much narrower majority (53-47) will make it harder for Majority Leader Harry Reid to maneuver and keep his party united … Now he needs at least seven to move his party's agenda to a majority vote. … The president's remaining agenda is at worst, dead, or at best, stalled until after 2012.…
Potential GOP Fissures
– Granted, there are constant setbacks, but we're finally seeing some real progress, such as the House vote to repeal Obamacare and all 47 … though, is that these groups can continue to live in harmony inside a big tent that is committed to defeating Obama's destructive agenda
Eric Holder's Bank Intimidation Continues to Choke Out Firearms and Ammunition Dealers…anks-to-squeeze-high-risk-gun-and-ammuntion-dealers-n1840199
– Likening guns with obscene materials isn’t limited to loopy, agenda-driven ivory tower academics with no real-world influence. … Does sending 2500 AK-47 "assault" rifles to violent Mexican drug cartels count as "high risk?"…
Democrats and Republicans Talking Past the Voters
– In April, a total of 47 percent said the economy and jobs were the top priority. No other issue broke double digits. … The Democrats substitute talk about the gap between rich and poor (i.e., stoke resentment) for any clear policy agenda to improve the…
The Case for Libertarian Populism
– Neither party is offering an agenda that speaks to America’s concerns. … But a wider agenda that adheres to these principles is possible. … But Republicans can push a populist agenda that would slowly roll back the size and scope of the federal government thus giving all…
Nanny State Targets Grocery Stores…transformed-michelle-o-eyes-talking-shopping-carts-n1863599
– The agency commissioned an “expert panel” to make recommendations on how to guide the more than 47 million Americans on food stamps … retail environment to make healthier choices more prominent,” which is in line with first lady Michelle Obama’s stated second term agenda
Desperately Trying to Derail Canadian Oil Sands
– President Obama’s second term agenda, continued viability of Medicare and Social Security programs, and America’s economy and environment … We cannot afford to turn our backs on this – especially with 23 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, 47 million on food stamps…
Women in Combat
– The minimum requirement for 17- to 21-year-old males is 35 pushups, 47 situps and a two-mile run in 16 minutes, 36 seconds or less. … For females of the same age, the minimum requirement is 13 pushups, 47 situps and a 19:42 two-mile run. … Service Restrictions Review" found that women, on average, have 20 percent lower aerobic power, 40 percent lower muscle strength, 47
Why The Hell Should Anyone Vote For The Republican Party?
– We've won that battle so thoroughly that 47% of Americans don't pay income taxes even though we have a trillion dollar deficit. … Next, instead of campaigning on the leftovers of Reagan's 25 year old agenda, we could start with the question, "How can we make people's … We're not going to beat people whose entire agenda is giving away "free" stuff with our current strategy, which seems to be to give…
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