Results for: Republican National Committee

The faithful and Obama
– might seem a little bluer after last year's election, in which "values voters" shifted to Democrat Barack Obama and away from the Republican … “With a Republican Party that remains confused about who it is, there is a whole lot of gain ahead of us than there is behind us.” … pro-life at the 1980 Republican National Convention.…
Who Gave?
– Big recipients of Madoff cash: The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ($102,000); New York Sen. Charles E. … OBAMA'S RUSH "Americans didn't vote for a Rush to failure" is the winning slogan the Democratic National Committee will glue to … Limbaugh and the Republican Party.…
Huckabee Responds to Michael Steele
National Committee Chairman Michael Steele are very troubling and despite his clarification today the party stands to lose many of … Do pro-choicers have a place in the Republican Party? Absolutely! … and the face of the Republican Party.…
"Scott Murphy's Real Record on Jobs"
– The National Republican Congressional Committee just rolled out this new TV ad in the race for New York's 20th Congressional District…
Not Yet Ready for a Welfare State
– One has been set up by the Senate Budget Committee. … Another roadblock was erected, in concrete, by Republican Sen. … The prospects for national health insurance look pretty favorable.…
It's Not Unusual to be Fooled by Anyone (Especially a President)
– Johnsen is the former legal director of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (now known as NARAL Pro-Choice … McCarthy explained the job, in a recent piece for National Review on Johnsen, "It authoritatively interprets the law for the attorney … Johnsen's nomination has been moved out of the Senate Judicial Committee on a party-line vote and awaits a full-Senate test.…
Poor Souls?
– We were a bit amused that President Obama sought to console the wealthy attendees of a Democratic National Committee fundraiser … "If Karl Rove wants to call someone arrogant, perhaps he and Dick Cheney should look in the mirror," reacted Democratic National CommitteeNational Committee recently reported to the FEC that it paid computer forensics firm Stroz Friedberg another $25,960 on Jan. 29.…
NRCC Surpasses Fundraising Goal
– Good news for regaining the majority: last night's National Republican Campaign Committee fundraising dinner brought in 6 million dollars…
Liberal Family Feud (Not So Pretty in Pink)
– Can you imagine what would happen if, suddenly, large numbers of Republican politicians started turning on "religious right" groups … fact, when maverick Republicans (*cough* McCain) do get into dust-ups with such groups, it does make headlines. it also makes nationalRepublican family feuds are portrayed as evidence the coalition is in disarray, while Democratic domestic abuse is portrayed as an…
– Judd Gregg, the New Hampshire Republican and ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee who withdrew his name to become commerce … Yet given the president's massive tax-and-spend budget proposals, which the senator warns will "triple" the national debt over the … Georgia and redesignate it as the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park.…
Quotables By and About Obama, Steele, and Others,_steele,_and_others
– Steele, an African-American conservative disliked by the liberal Barack Obama, shortly after his election as chairman of the RepublicanNational Committee -- when asked whether he had any words for Obama: "How do you like me now?" … John Walters, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in the Bush II White House: "Some people believe drugs such as…
In Defense Of Tax-Day Tea Parties
– There's no evidence that official Republican strategists connected with the Republican National Committee, John Boehner's office or … There's plenty of evidence that a bunch of hanger-on Republican interest groups, always looking to prove their relevance and hip factor…
NRSC Head Supporting Specter Over Toomey
– John Cornyn (R-Tex.), head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, has written a letter to fellow Republicans asking them … Six years ago, the Republican establishment rallied around Specter, who narrowly defeated Toomey. …
Moving to the Center: Necessary For Long-Term GOP Sustainability?
– For those who are unfamiliar, the Club For Growth backs candidates in state and national elections who vigorously adhere to a limited … National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions did not agree. … But losing a RINO like Specter is simply no fun when he's the 41st Republican.…
Some Welcome
– Tuesday, the front page of the Democratic National Committee website flashed the headline: "Welcoming Sen. … "Earlier today, Senator Arlen Specter left the Republican Party and he is now a Democrat," the DNC announced. … eve of the 8th annual National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.…
Reconciliation's Slippery Path
– John Sununu, a New Hampshire Republican, writing in The Wall Street Journal, says using reconciliation to ram through health care reform … And what former National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell meant when he said: "We have people walking around in this country that … House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was frequently briefed as a member of the Intelligence Committee, could usefully answer the question…
Arlen Specter: Good Riddance
– The Republican Party, much to the consternation of conservatives, saved Specter's bacon in the 2004 election. … Specter won that election thanks to the efforts of the Bush White House and gobs of Republican National Committee money that was poured … In return for that promise he was allowed to remain chairman of the Judiciary Committee.…
Pelosi's Tortured Explanation
– According to the Senate Intelligence committee, the CIA briefed Pelosi, then the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee … Then what is the point of having a bipartisan intelligence committee? Why not just buy a rubber stamp? … Pete Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committee, has called on the director of national intelligence to release…
Busy 100 Days
– on Political Education; the pro-choice group Emily's List; the Fred Thompson PAC, the actor and former Tennessee Republican senator's … of America Victory Fund; the National Association of Realtors PAC; the International Brotherhood of Teamsters' Democrat Republican … of Electrical Workers, AT&T, the National Beer Wholesalers, the National Automotive Dealers Association, the American Bankers Association…
Today Is Debt Day
– And during the four years from 1998-2002, the Republican-controlled Congress ran a surplus. … The package offered by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), which I am privileged to Chair, would provide real economic relief to … It would have cut the national debt by more than $6 trillion compared to the President’s budget and improve the budget outlook every…
Republicans Loose In New York
– The Politico reported that Tedisco called Murphy to offer him congratulations over winning the race late this afternoon.The NationalRepublican Congressional Committee said the loss was encouraging, given how close it was.…
Payback: GOP Retribution Tactics If Dems Initiate Reconciliation
– John Cornyn (R-Texas), Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and Sen. … cites a former GOP Senate leadership aid speaking about the specific tactics that might be taken:According to a former Senate Republican … They could stop attending committee hearings, and decline to provide “unanimous consent” to move forward on even the most benign issues…
Judge Mario
– angst of many, the Miss USA organization has been silent on its judge-instigated assault on one of its beauty queens, as has the National … The legislation now goes on to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. … "I remember when it only cost a few bucks to go to a ballgame," recalled Texas Republican Rep. Ted Poe.…
Nell Husbands Martin Coulter
– The only thing Mother wanted to be sure my brothers and I included in her remembrances were her contributions to the Republican Party … , the New Canaan Republican Town Committee and the Daughters of the American Revolution. … At the 2004 Republican National Convention, I was taking my parents to a lot of the parties in New York and, at one of them, Herman…
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